3.75 |
Hi, it’s me again. I see that the last time I posted was in March. I don’t particularly feel bad about that since that is my GPA up there in the title. All bragging aside, I’m pretty damn proud of my accomplishment. For instance, I took my final math class this semester—I officially NEVER HAVE TO TAKE MATH AGAIN! I do have to say though that without the Hub, there is no way that I could have done it. So I want to publicly thank him for all his help; he was alone with the kids four nights a week while I was in class, he made dinner, picked up, and would again wrangle them on weekends when I had homework to do. I love you honey, thanks again!
I actually got quite a bit of knitting in during this time all things considered. How did I do this? Well I’ve been operating on about 6-7 hours of sleep since January. I just arranged my ravelry queue based on date started and I have done 11 things since I started school. It is amazing what lengths one will go to do the things they loved.
This is the first weekend that I haven’t had any homework to do so we have been jamming a lot of stuff in. When everyone else wakes up we are going to take the kids to the beach for the first time! We feel guilty that we have been three times and we haven’t taken them once.
So. I officially have the next six weeks off until I take my next round of classes. I’ve decided that I’m going to try and post daily. We’ll see how that works out since I’m notorious for letting my poor blog languish.
Other things that happened while I was gone:
Colleen lost her first tooth Finn began talking regularly, sentences and all! Hub and I celebrated three years of marriage I had my two year knitting anniversary I had a birthday. I’m now officially in my “late twenties” I got a great new job We’ve started looking for a house to buy! I went to school full time while working full time with a full time job at home and triumphed! |
Congrats on the GPA and all your other celebrations! Enjoy your "down time!"
Congrats on the awesome grades, happy anniversary(ies), new house! new house! new house!, Holy speedily growing children batman!, Happy Summer!
Congrats on the GPA and all your other celebrations! Enjoy your "down time!"